Rediscovering & Reinventing You
The tools you'll discover in this series are ones you can use to create YOU. To change your life and to have happiness and fulfillment while enjoying the world!
This adventure gives you simple tools to use in the situations of your life where you need it most; practices that can get you to that next step and undo the difficulties that are occurring at any time, in any moment.
Is now the time to go on the journey of creating your life and heading in the direction you would like to go?
This course contains 9 sections including: 9 videos, and an additional 9 downloadable PDF's for each section with corresponding 'homeplay' and additional information and tools. See below for a summary of each section.
Part 1: The Journey Begins
Is now the time to create your life and truly live in the way you’ve always wanted to? If you’ve given up on you or pushed your life to the side, let’s use these tools together to bring to the surface the you, you know is possible.
Part 2: Finding Out What Is Not Yours
Have you ever felt like you have an endless train of thoughts running through your head? Well, what if that monkey mind could go away tomorrow? The one simple tool introduced in this section is about breaking the machine of the monkey mind and setting you free!
Part 3: Creating Beyond This Reality
Have you ever felt like you’re living in a world that is flat, when you know there should be a fullness and beauty available? Let’s look at what’s being created in your life right now. Instead of staying in a place where you feel stuck, let’s get to a place that’s real and true for you.
Part 4: The Magic Wand of Change
Your life occurs ‘in the trenches’, with your family, in your relationships, at work. And that’s where you need tools that actually work and give you the capacity to change things. This tool changes wherever you gave up on possibilities, because your natural state is one of possibilities. Your natural state is one of happiness. Your natural is one of ease.
Part 5: Discovering What You Know
Have you ever been hard on yourself for not doing or being enough? That’s judgment. And judgment always creates less. It never creates more. To navigate the world more easily, you can use your awareness instead of judgment. This section is about stepping out of judgment and tapping into your awareness and knowing to create what would work for you in your life.
Part 6 - Having Intimacy With You and Others
This section is all about allowing the energies of the 5 elements of intimacy – allowance, trust, vulnerability, honoring and gratitude – to enter your life and change your relationship with yourself, others, and the world.
Part 7 - The Ease of Receiving Money
We’re taught that we’re supposed to give and that receiving is somehow bad or wrong. This section invites you to a different awareness around the concept of receiving. As you open yourself up to receiving, money is one of the things that can change, but what really changes is the level of peace, ease, and joy in your life!
Part 8 - Rediscovering What You Truly Desire
We’ve bought so much of how to live our lives and what we think we desire from other people. How do you get back to what’s true for you? Discover empowering questions to get clear on what you truly desire to create not only in your life, but in the world.
Part 9 - Creating Your Future
As you move through this program and use the tools, your true self and potentials emerge. YOU get to enter your life and the energy of you emerges with ease. You have desires that you can use to create a future greater than you could possibly imagine. When you start creating your future from your desires, you’ll find you become more caring and are able to contribute more to the world. You’ll have more energy and be able to recharge your own batteries.