You Got This Bundle: Getting Unf*cked and Truly Creating Your Living

   You Got This Audio with Dr. Dain Heer

Were you given a manual as a kid on what exactly this reality is and all the rules of the game? Or was it more like a confusing onslaught of information and points of view that you’re still reeling from and sorting out?

The good news is, something universally different is available now.

We’ve got several new additions to our tool box for creating change - and they are amazeballs! 

We’ve put together this transformative bundle just for you with this in mind.

Let’s get to exploring the sweetness of living that is actually available for us when we liberate ourselves from judgment and the structures we’ve been taught.

Each audio is an appetizer of what’s possible. Together, they offer a full-course meal of transformation, empowering you to step into a life of true freedom, joy, and endless possibilities. Are you ready to embark on this journey?   

Highly Recommended

To have taken the Access Consciousness Foundation class before listening

What's Included?

– Bye Bye Personalities, Hello BEING!
– Autonomy or Freedom? The beginning of true choice
– Creating Your Living

Languages Available

  • English, Czech, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish

$197.00 USD

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